Easy Ways to Fundraise for the PTO

The PTO offers many voluntary opportunities to raise funds to support our school.Help provide more teacher supplies, more field trips and more entertaining events for our kids!


Become a school school sponsor or refer a local business to us! Learn more here!



Want to contribute without the hassle of fundraising? Join the Horseshoe Honorarium! 100% of your donation goes directly to the PTO and will be used for things like field trips, staff lunches, school events, and more!



Box Tops Go Digital!: By the end of 2019, Box Tops for Education went 100% digital. Instead of clipping and checking expiration dates, all Box Tops will be earned via receipt scans. Download the new and improved, user-friendly Box Tops Bonus App, register and select Madison Place Elementary, and then scan an eligible receipt containing Box Tops products.


You’ll continue to earn 10 cents for each Box Tops product purchased, plus extra earnings for any Bonus Box Tops opportunities. Don’t worry! We will continue to accept clipped Box Tops until they expire. Better yet: you can ‘double dip’ during the packaging transition by clipping the physical Box Tops AND scanning their receipt with those participating items. Learn more here!



Hy-Vee Dollars for Scholars: Save any receipt from the Olathe Hy-Vees located at 14955 W 151st Street or 18101 W 119th Street.  Hy-Vee donates $1 for every $150 in receipts the school collects, up to $1,500 per school year. Turn your receipts into your classroom. If you have the Hy-Vee Fuel Saver card, you can select to have your receipts emailed to you - just print out and send into school!


AmazonSmile: AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. You will find the same low prices, vast selection and convenient experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a minimum of 0.5% of the purchase price to Madison Place PTO. 


On your first visit to smile.amazon.com, you need to select Madison Place PTO to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation.


Dine Out Nights: Enjoy a delicious dinner, some conversation with school friends and support the PTO at the same time! Some restaurants will require a flyer to be shown for credit to our school, and we will provide those prior to our Dine Out Night.


Thank You for Your Support!


Upcoming Events

No Upcoming Events

2024-2025 PTO Meetings

To be announced!

Staff's Favorite Things and Classroom Needs

Click here to view the most recent update of "Staff's Favorite Things" if you are look for ideas for gifts for your child(ren)'s classroom, teacher, or one of our awesome support staff!

Questions? Comments?

We love to hear from you! Email madisonplacemavspto@gmail.com.